=========================================================================== INFORM TRANSLATION REPORT FOR GERMAN PART II: Debugging & Service Toni Arnold, Aug. 98 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % German Umlauts implemented %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #Aug. 98 It works now with (at the ones I have tested): Mac ZIP infinity 1.4b2 by Matthew T. Russotto DOS Frotz by Stefan Jokisch but NOT WinFrotz! There seems to be a consent that DOS-ASCII serves as a Z-code-standard. Force lower case is done by the input-routines of the z-code-interpreter. The conversion table: Literal: Mac ZIP Inf. 1.3 DOS & ZIP infinity 1.4 --------------------------------------------------- @sz: 167 161 @:a: 138 155 @:o: 154 156 @:u: 159 157 ^ not supported ZIP infinity for Macintosh uses the DOS-table for V1.4 and the Mac-Table for V1.3. I only implemented the DOS-table for the reason of simplicity. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Grammar extended %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #Aug. 98 -zieh .... an/aus -> robe/disrobe -gehe nach .... -> CompassDirection, also norden/westen/unten etc. (for both thanks to Heinz-Georg Pussar) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Bugs removed % (in the order I have done it) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #Aug. 98 German.h: -44: Compass directions had no deklination and gender -> fixed. (thanks to Bernd Roehling) -969: Lookunder: "...nichts Interessantes." (upper cased) -962: Examine: new formulation "mit Hilfe dessen man..." -999: Unlock: 4: "...Gitterauf" -> "...Gitter auf" -985: Search: 7: WriteListFrom ISARE_BIT removed -941: Look: 4: "^auf" -> "^Auf" (upper cased) -1035: "Open: 4: "du" -> "Du" (upper cased) #Sep. 98 TGerman.h: -155: space moved to PrintAdjectives line 734 -> changes at several places for correctins the spaces, -> could omit ta_providesadj -234: proper-property prints no definite article now For the following thanks to Max Kalus: German.h -Parsing suffix "es" added Verblibm.h -WriteListR: (it is really a headache) There are two places in the code of VERBLIBM.H which look as follows: (Lines 256 and 336) if (sizes_p->i == 1) { if (c_style & NOARTICLE_BIT ~= 0) print (name) j; else { if (j has proper) print (_er) j; else if (c_style & DEFART_BIT ~= 0) print (den) j; else print (einen) j; } } Max Kalus has added the if (j has proper) statement which handles the article as it should be in German. GermanG.h -Changed many library verbs, so I don't list them all here. Thanks again to Max Kalus.